Choosing Wisely Australia

An important conversation about unnecessary tests, treatments and procedures in healthcare

Choosing Wisely Australia is part of a global campaign encouraging clinicians, consumers and healthcare stakeholders to have conversations about tests, treatments and procedures where evidence shows they provide no benefit or in some cases cause harm.

The initiative is led by Australia’s peak medical colleges, professional societies and associations who participate by developing and disseminating lists of evidence-based recommendations for tests, treatments and procedures thought to be overused or misused and that healthcare providers and consumers should question and discuss together. NPS MedicineWise facilitates Choosing Wisely Australia.


Members and supporters

Since launching in 2015, Choosing Wisely Australia has attracted interest across the healthcare profession and among national and state-based consumer advisers, including:

  • health professional societies, associations and 80% of medical colleges in Australia
  • a national network of health services championing the initiative in hospitals
  • a growing network of consumer advocates.


Champion Health Services

A growing number of health services are leading the implementation of Choosing Wisely Australia through clinician-led initiatives. Health services and hospitals around Australia are bringing together clinical and consumer champions of quality evidence-based care – from specialist units, general medicine, nurses and medical trainees – under the Choosing Wisely umbrella, to become Choosing Wisely Australia Champion Health Services.

Benefits include:

  • promotion as a Choosing Wisely Champion
  • connections to a growing network of engaged clinicians and health services
  • connections to health professional colleges, societies and associations
  • being part of a forum that shares ideas and supports learning.

Advisory Group

The Choosing Wisely Australia Advisory Group is the primary consultative group and advisory body for Choosing Wisely Australia and actively guides strategic development, implementation and evaluation of its activities.


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