Further options for translated health information

Bilingual health professional network

General practitioners and pharmacists who work in areas with high proportions of people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds face additional challenges to their peers, and often provide services above and beyond what's expected. NPS established the bilingual health professional network in acknowledgment of the role these GPs and pharmacists play in CALD communities and their different professional needs.

Many bilingual health professionals have participated in our programs and registered on our network. Their valuable contributions have included reviewing our resources or taking part in community radio interviews, which NPS carries out in partnership with SBS.

NPS aims to expand this network into a professional communication channel, so your participation and support is welcomed and appreciated.

Join the bilingual health professional network

If you would like to join the NPS bilingual health professional network, please contact NPS via email or on 02 8217 9245.


Free interpreting services

TIS National

Translation and Interpreting Service (TIS) National is an interpreting service provided by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship for people who do not speak English and for the English speakers who need to communicate with them.

TIS National is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for any person or organisation in Australia requiring interpreting services. It provides immediate telephone interpreting services, as well as pre-booked telephone and on-site interpreting. To use an interpreter over the phone, call 131 450.

Access to free telephone interpreting services is available for:

  • registered pharmacies around Australia
  • general practitioners providing Medicare services and their reception staff to arrange appointments and provide results of medical tests
  • non-profit, non-government, community-based organisations for case work and emergency services, where the organisation does not receive funding to provide these services
  • local government authorities to communicate with non-English speaking residents on issues such as rates, garbage collection and urban services.

Visit the TIS National website for more information on specific services. If you have questions about your eligibility for free interpreting, please contact the Client Liaison and Promotions team at TIS National on 1300 655 820.