Clinical case study
Asthma: optimising asthma control in children
A 4-year-old diagnosed with asthma 6 months ago presents with worsening asthma symptoms.
Cost: free
This activity has been approved for 2 points (CPD Activity) under the RACGP CPD Program for the 2020–2022 triennium (activity: 200973)

This activity has been accredited for 1 hour under the educational activity category in the ACRRM PD Program for the 2020–2022 triennium (activity: 20159)

In this case study you'll meet Daniel O'Connor, a 4-year-old with asthma. Over the last month Daniel has been wheezing nearly every day. He has also been waking up once or twice a week at night short of breath.
How would you classify the pattern of Daniel's asthma symptoms? What medicine(s) should be prescribed for Daniel? Which inhaler device(s) would Daniel be able to use most effectively? What should be included in Daniel's written asthma action plan?
Complete this case study at your convenience on the device of your choice (computer or tablet). Receive instant feedback, compare your approach to that of your peers and read expert commentary provided by a leading Australian respiratory physician. You'll need to register but it's free and secure.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this activity you should be able to:
- select age-appropriate preventer medicines and devices to support asthma management in young children
- monitor treatment and incorporate regular assessment of inhaler technique to improve medication efficacy and optimal symptom control
- use and apply the Australian Asthma Handbook guidelines when making treatment recommendations
- develop written asthma action plans that are individualised to the patient.