Good Medicine Better Health
Good Medicine Better Health: Antibiotics and respiratory tract infections
This short module about Antibiotics and respiratory tract infections introduces an educational resource that has been developed to:
• update your knowledge about common respiratory tract infections and treatments
• boost your knowledge about the use of antibiotic medicines in respiratory tract infections
• help you have an informed conversation with your clients and community members about respiratory tract infections and antibiotic medicines.
Cost: free
The National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners has endorsed this activity with 2 CPD Hours.
Endorsement period: 26/07/2021-26/07/2022.
It is recommended that 1 CPD hour be recorded for the purposes of self-directed CPD.
These modules have been developed by NPS MedicineWise in consultation with the Good Medicine Better Health Advisory Group and the following organisations: National Association of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Workers and Practitioners (NAATSIHWP), National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation (NACCHO), Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) with contributions by Dr Jason Agostino and James Harris (Djinda Creative Resources).
This short module about Antibiotics and respiratory tract infections introduces an educational resource that has been developed to:
- update your knowledge about common respiratory tract infections and treatments
- boost your knowledge about the use of antibiotic medicines in respiratory tract infections
- help you have an informed conversation with your clients and community members about respiratory tract infections and antibiotic medicines.
Learning outcomes
Upon completion of each module the learner should be able to:
- Identify the signs and symptoms of common respiratory tract infections and know which require early treatment with antibiotics to prevent long term complications.
- Explain the difference between the common cold, COVID-19 and influenza and describe how to manage these conditions.
- Describe how antibiotics do not treat infections caused by viruses and that non-medicine options can be safe and effective.
- Explain to clients how to take any supplied antibiotic, including duration of therapy, storage, likely side-effects and when to seek further advice.
- Educate clients not to save antibiotics for another illness or share with other people.
- Describe how to prevent infections including keeping vaccinations up-to-date, and practising regular hand-washing and respiratory hygiene.