Emily Klopper: Taking complementary medicines

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Emily Klopper
Main occupation: Pharmacist (Managing Partner)
Years in clinical practice: 10
Qualifications: BPharm MPS, Grad Dip ExSci, MEd

Emily Klopper, pharmacist, says that it is important that allied health professionals also know about people’s use of complementary medicines.

I'd still want to know what they're taking and certainly their GP would want to know what they're taking, or even dentists and that type of thing, in terms of some supplements which may change blood clotting factors. 

If you're going to see a dentist and you've got super thin blood, you’re going to run into issues. I think I'd prefer them to talk to me about it and, if they'd still like to look at supplements, I'd prefer them to purchase them through me, but can come up with something, if they still want to purchase them elsewhere. I'm not going to not provide the information.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.