Glenn: The attitudes of others – Taking ‘many’ medicines (2)

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 50
Number of medicines: 6
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

It was initially difficult for Glenn to be ‘labelled’ with the conditions he has. But they are now a part of his life and they need to be managed, even if that means other people feel uncomfortable.

Initially I was a little bit embarrassed or ashamed of labels that were given, such as bipolar, or you're ADHD and so forth. A bit embarrassed, so I would hide the fact that I was taking them. But in the end I thought, well, no, I am actually going to be taking these for the rest of my life. It is part of me now. Whilst I don't openly do it in front of a roomful of people, if there is a couple of people around then, no, I'm not going to run away and do it. I'll just take them then and there. Most people, I think that I have close contact with, they are aware of my mental health conditions and don't think twice about it.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.