Helen: Organising and storing medicines – Storing medicines using dose aids

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 58
Number of medicines: 10
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Helen works in health and ageing policy. As a result, she has a particular view of dosette boxes and believes she does not need one yet. It would not be helpful as it would not address the problem of forgetting to take medicines at work.

We've joked about that. Because I work in Ageing, I think I probably see a dosette box as being a little bit further down the line than where I'm at. But a dosette box is only useful if you actually look at the thing. If I had a dosette box … and work is my problem time … if I had a dosette box, it's going to be sitting in the same drawer where my tablets are at the moment. It's not going to be out on the desk in front of me, reminding me all through my working day, what's going on. So no, I don't think it will work for me.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.