Jane: The costs of taking multiple medicines – ‘Doing without’ to afford medicines

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 53
Number of medicines: 8
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Jane was initially concerned about the affordability of her medicines. But her husband regarded them as an investment, which has been an extremely helpful way for Jane to regard her medication.

A significant factor in beginning a lot of them was, like, how much is this going to cost me? And can we afford it? And yeah … it's a lot of money to be spending and my husband looks at it as an investment. And he says it's a worthwhile one and it has a lifetime of benefits and that's a really precious way for me of looking at it, because I know I'll be on most of them probably for all of my life and changing my view, in seeing them as a companion to me, has made me view my medication very differently.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.