Judy: Problems with multiple medicines (II) – Minor problems or no problems at all

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 72
Number of medicines: 9
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Judy feels well and finds her tablets easy to take. Any problems with her medicines have been minor and very easy to resolve.

No. I guess that, because as I said, I don't feel that I'm ill, I just get on with life. I don't know whether I should confess that I don't take regular blood tests, you know, needle-prick type tests. Nobody has insisted that I do that, but I find that my three-monthly bloods always come back really good. There has been the odd occasion where my blood pressure's been a bit of an issue, but that's settled down now. We've sorted that out. So, really, just get on with it.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.