Niall: Going to hospital – What to do before going to hospital

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Age at interview: 45
Number of medicines: 7
Cultural background: British (Caucasian)

Niall describes a time when his father (who is on some of the same medicines for the same conditions as Niall) went to hospital and had his medicines and medicines list with him, which was really important and helpful.

I've seen instances where him being informed has been absolutely critical to his safety. There was one instance where he was taken to hospital for some diagnostic testing and they decided to keep him overnight. He'd actually brought his medications ... most of his medications and his medication list with him and he then found the hospital pharmacy couldn't dispense all the medications he needed and we could go home ... because we knew what was there and what they didn't have. We could go and get what he needed from his own supplies. So that being aware is very useful. Because he's been that kind of consumer.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.