Peter S: Benefits and disadvantages – The main benefit: saving or prolonging life (1)
Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.
Peter S
Age at interview: 60
Number of medicines: 18
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian
Peter S feels there is no longer a ‘worst’ thing about his medicines now that he has a Webster-pak, even though he is taking many medicines.
I don't think there is a worst thing. I mean sometimes if I'm busy like before lunch or before dinner I occasionally forget, or I forget but then I remember an hour or so later and I take them anyway, or the dinner ones I take before I go to bed. They're not that vital, but no, nothing really I don't like. I mean because of the Webster-pak I don't have to fiddle around, just pop them out, bingo, take them, over and done with. They're no drama, no getting confused which one's which … is that oblong, is that oval or whatever? I don't have to think about any of that.
The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.