Peter S: Benefits and disadvantages – The main benefit: saving or prolonging life (2)

Listen to patients and health professionals speak about their experience with taking multiple medicines.

Peter S
Age at interview: 60
Number of medicines: 18
Cultural background: Anglo-Australian

Peter S has a clear goal for his life of meeting his newborn grandson and seeing him grow up. His medicines will make that possible.

Keeping me alive. I'm still here. Like I said, I want to see my new grandson who was born Wednesday who doesn't have a name yet, I want to see him turn 18 so if these tablets are going to keep me alive until he turns 18, so be it. I'll be almost 80 by that stage so it'd be about time to pull stumps … naturally of course, naturally, not by hand.

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The Living with multiple medicines project was developed in collaboration with Healthtalk Australia.