Dr Rosemary Bryant AO appointed to NPS MedicineWise board

Former Commonwealth Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, Dr Rosemary Bryant AO has been appointed to the NPS MedicineWise board as a director.

Former Commonwealth Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, Dr Rosemary Bryant AO has been appointed to the NPS MedicineWise board as a director.

Dr Bryant was Australia’s first Commonwealth Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer, a position she held for close to seven years. Her responsibilities included the provision of advice on nursing and midwifery to the Minister for Health and the Department of Health, as well as undertaking policy development activities relating to the nursing and midwifery workforce.

Prior to this, Dr Bryant was the Executive Director of Royal College of Nursing, Australia. She has represented Australia on nursing at the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and was a member of the Australian delegation to the World Health Assembly.

A distinguished Life Fellow of the Australian College of Nursing, Dr Bryant also holds Honorary Life Membership of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch), is Emerita Director of Nursing at Royal Adelaide Hospital and was President of the International Council of Nurses from 2009 to 2013. She chairs the Steering Committee of the Rosemary Bryant AO Research Centre.

NPS MedicineWise Chair Peter Turner welcomed Dr Bryant’s appointment, highlighting her breadth and depth of understanding of the health system, strategic leadership and policy background as assets she will bring to the NPS MedicineWise board.

“Rosemary’s impeccable record and leadership credentials representing the nursing and midwifery professions on high-profile government committees make her a highly-valued addition to our board.”

“Her expertise, perspectives and knowledge of the health system will make Rosemary an important contributor to NPS MedicineWise’s strategic direction and our continued commitment to providing guidance on the safe and wise use of medicines in Australia.”

Dr Bryant succeeds Associate Professor Kay Price who retired from the board having served three terms over the past nine years. Dr Bryant joined the board on 25 October 2017.

“We are grateful to Kay for her significant contribution to NPS MedicineWise for close to a decade,” said Mr Turner. “She has helped us deliver many positive outcomes for the organisation.”

Media enquiries

Jonathan Abbott: 0419 618 365 or jabbott@nps.org.au