NPS MedicineWise and NCIRS announce national partnership

NPS MedicineWise has partnered with NCIRS to deliver an immunisation support program for Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia.

NPS MedicineWise has partnered with the National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance (NCIRS) to deliver a landmark, nationally coordinated immunisation support program for Primary Health Networks (PHNs) across Australia.

The program, entitled the Primary Health Networks Immunisation Support Program, will be co-designed with PHNs to better support and coordinate immunisation providers and services in their regions. The aim is to ensure PHN efforts across the country deliver on National Immunisation Program goals and are as consistent as possible, while addressing specific challenges in their local areas.

Immunisation providers, including GPs, nurses, community health clinics, Aboriginal Medical Services, local councils and pharmacies will benefit from the new PHN immunisation programs which will be consistent with the Australian Immunisation Handbook guidance, but adapted to be more targeted to specific community and patient requirements.

NPS MedicineWise CEO, Lynn Weekes, says: “We are pleased to partner with NCIRS on such a nationally significant and essential undertaking to enhance the effectiveness of immunisation services throughout the country.

“Supporting the invaluable work of PHNs by ensuring they are well-equipped with consistent and tailored immunisation information for the health professionals working in their local communities, is our priority in the development of this new program.”

The program is in early stages of development during which NCIRS and NPS MedicineWise will undertake a systematic consultation process with PHNs and key stakeholders around the country to identify and respond to their particular challenges and requirements in the immunisation space.

NCIRS Deputy Director, Associate Professor Kristine Macartney, says, “The input and local insights we receive from PHNs will be crucial to informing the program’s development.

“This and the combined expertise of NCIRS and NPS MedicineWise put us in a strong position to work to ensure that future PHN immunisation programs are consistent and that they effectively deliver messages that are relevant to local communities and immunisation providers across Australia. This should enable us to protect more people from disease through effective delivery of immunisation. ”

Media enquiries

Eve Hanks: (02) 8217 9667, 0419 618 365 or

Jonathan Abbott: (02) 8217 9650 or

About NPS

Independent, evidence-based and not-for-profit, NPS MedicineWise enables better decisions about medicines and medical tests. We receive funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.


The National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (NCIRS) is the leading organisation in Australia working in research to support evidence-based policy development for evaluation of the National Immunisation Program, and surveillance of vaccine preventable diseases, vaccine coverage and vaccine safety. This work is funded through agreements with the Australian Government Department of Health. For more information on NCIRS visit