What is Parachoc?
Parachoc is a lubricant laxative preparation. It contains no bowel stimulant, and thus works gently by lubricating and softening the faecal mass. It contains liquid paraffin at a concentration of 50%.
The preservatives in this product are Benzoic Acid and Potassium Sorbate.
The artificial sweeteners are Sodium Saccharin and Calcium Cyclamate.
Flavourings are artificial vanilla and artificial chocolate essences.
Parachoc contains no sugar, no gluten and is phenylalanine free.
What is Parachoc used for, and how does it work?
Parachoc being a lubricant laxative product, is used for the medical management of constipation in children from 12 months of age to adults.
Parachoc works by lubricating the bowel wall to allow the faecal mass to slide along easily. It also softens the faecal mass, thus ensuring that it is not hard and painful to pass.
What is constipation?
Constipation refers to the hardness of the faecal mass and also to the difficulty in passing it, and not to the frequency with which it is passed. It may be perfectly normal for a person to have a soft bowel action every third day. Hard faeces passed daily would still be referred to as constipation.
Complications of constipation
Long term constipation results in the stretching of the large bowel wall. Once this wall becomes stretched, the muscle fibres within it are also stretched out of shape. This means that this muscle will no longer be able to function normally to squeeze and push the faecal mass along. This lack of muscle power results in further stretching as the bowel becomes even more filled with faeces.
In children, this stretched bowel also loses feeling, and this results in the leakage of the fluid portion of the faeces. Children are unable to feel this leaking into their underpants, and are thus frequently accused of being lazy and are rejected by their peers for being smelly. This can lead to significant social and self esteem problems.
Children who have suffered with constipation for some time may develop small splits in their anal skin. These are painful and often result in the child being unwilling to pass any further motions - this actually aggravates the constipation. Parachoc will ensure that these children cannot hold on - they simply have to go, and when they do, since the faecal mass is softened, there is minimal pain and this in turn builds up their confidence and reduces the fear of evacuating their bowels.
Adults may develop small pouches (diverticulae) on the side of the large bowel. These can become infected and painful. Haemorrhoids and even a hernia may develop as a result of constant straining at the toilet.
Treatment of constipation
This involves clearing out the faecal build up and then ensuring that the stretched bowel is kept empty by the passage of soft daily or second daily motions. This can be achieved with the insertion of a suppository-or in severe cases the use of an enema- followed by daily administration of Parachoc. This must be accompanied by a dietary change to high fibre and fluid intake together with moderate exercise.
In children the stretched bowel will return to normal and as it does so, normal feeling will return. This means that the leakage of smelly faecal material into the underwear will cease. As the stretched muscle returns to normal shape it returns to normal function, and so the constipation is cured.
This process does take time and some children may need to be on Parachoc for very long periods of time. This must always be done under medical supervision to ensure that all aspects of the constipation have been addressed and adequately dealt with.
How should Parachoc be taken?
Parachoc should be take as a once daily dose.
Doses are not to be taken less than 2 hours before lying down. This caution is included because the inadvertent inhalation (breathing into the lungs) of liquid paraffin during sleep can cause serious respiratory problems.
What dose of Parachoc should be used?
Every patient has their own individual dose requirement for Parachoc.
We suggest starting doses only and then patient must proceed to find their correct dose by either increasing or decreasing, in 5mL lots, the amount of Parachoc taken daily, until they obtain the passage of a soft motion every day or every second day, without the leakage of paraffin oil (this is noticed since it stains underwear an orange colour).
Because Parachoc has no bowel stimulant, patients must be aware that it can take up to 4 days for a change in dose to work. Therefore the new daily dose must be maintained for at least that time to assess how effective the change is. Further alteration may be necessary, and similarly a 4 day period should be allowed to assess that change before any further alterations in dose are made.
Before using Parachoc shake the bottle very well!
Suggested starting doses are as follows:
- 12 months - 6 years start with 10mL - 15mL daily and increase or decrease in 5mL graduations until desired effect is achieved.
- 7 years - 12 years start with 20mL daily and increase or decrease in 5mL graduations until desired effect is achieved.
- Adults start with 40mL - 50mL daily and increase or decrease in 5mL lots until desired effect is achieved.
What are the possible unwanted effects of Parachoc?
There is a possibility that there may be reduced absorption of some fat soluble vitamins
Abdominal cramps:
Aspiration (Paraffin oil being regurgitated and inhaled into the lungs) - especially if given to a child that is fighting the dose. Aspiration may also occur if the dose is taken within the 2 hour period before lying down.
Can Parachoc be taken while pregnant or while breast feeding?
Parachoc should be used during pregnancy and while breast feeding only on the advice of your doctor or pharmacist, especially for extended use.
What happens if too much Parachoc is taken?
Should an overdose be taken, all that is likely to happen is that there will be transient diarrhoea.
When not to use Parachoc
Parachoc should not be used in the presence of abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting.
How should Parachoc be stored?
Parachoc must be stored under 30 °Celsius.
It must be stored away from direct sunlight and out of both the reach and sight of children.
Do not use after the expiry date shown on the pack.
Please ensure that the cap is firmly screwed back on immediately after use.
What packaging is available?
Parachoc is available in packs of 450mL and 200mL, both marked with the Aust R 20865 registration number.
Further information may be obtained from your pharmacist or doctor
PO Box 6533
Email: paedpharm@arach.net.au
Phone (08) 94211495
Fax (08) 94211499.
Published by MIMS August 2001