Thyroid disorders: when and what to test Practice Review figure descriptions

Accessible text descriptions of figures in the NPS MedicineWise Practice Review for Thyroid testing

Figure 1: How have your requests for thyroid tests changed over time?

This bar graph shows the number of thyroid tests that this GP requested for their patients that were performed, as a rate per 100 patients. The graph includes patients aged ≥ 15 years. Number of thyroid tests per 100 patients is shown on the y-axis, and ranges from 0 to 40 in 10-unit increments. The calendar years 2016, 2017 and 2018 are shown on the x-axis.

Two bars are displayed in each calendar year, where the left bar represents the rate of thyroid tests per 100 patients for the individual GP, and the right bar represents the rate of thyroid tests per 100 patients for the median of all GPs in the GP’s remoteness area (RA).

Data for the 75th and 25th percentiles in the GP’s RA are displayed as triangles in each calendar year.

Beginning at the leftmost bar in the graph:

The first and second bars represent data for calendar year 2016. In 2016:

  • 22 thyroid tests per 100 patients were requested by that GP and were performed.
  • 13 is the median number of thyroid tests performed per 100 patients by GPs in the RA.
  • the 75th percentile in the RA is 23 thyroid tests performed per 100 patients, and 25th percentile is 7.

The third and fourth bars represent data for calendar year 2017. In 2017:

  • 34 thyroid tests per 100 patients were requested by that GP and were performed.
  • 14 is the median number of thyroid tests performed per 100 patients by GPs in the RA.
  • the 75th percentile in the RA is 23 thyroid tests performed per 100 patients, and 25th percentile is 7.

The fifth and sixth bars represent data for calendar year 2018. In 2018:

  • 39 thyroid tests per 100 patients were requested by that GP and were performed.
  • 15 is the median number of thyroid tests performed per 100 patients by GPs in the RA.
  • the 75th percentile in the RA is 24 thyroid tests performed per 100 patients, and 25th percentile is 8.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test


Figure 2: What percentage of your thyroid tests were for TSH alone in 2018?

This bar graph shows what proportion of thyroid tests performed for this GP’s patients (aged ≥ 15 years) in 2018 were for TSH alone or TFTs. The percentage of thyroid tests is shown on the y-axis, ranging from 0-100 in 20-unit increments. The test type (TSH or TFTs) are shown on the x-axis.

Two bars are displayed for each test type, where the left bar represents the percentage of thyroid tests for the individual GP, and the right bar represents the percentage of thyroid tests for the median of all GPs in the GP’s remoteness area (RA).

Data for the 75th and 25th percentiles in the GP’s RA are displayed as triangles in each calendar year.

Beginning at the leftmost bar in the graph:

The first and second bars represent the percentage of all thyroid tests that were for TSH alone.

  • 40% of all thyroid tests that were performed for this GP’s patients (≥ 15 years) in 2018 were for TSH alone.
  • The median % of TSH tests performed for GPs in the RA was 76%.
  • the 75th percentile in the GP’s RA is 84% and 25th percentile is 65%.

The third and fourth bars represent the percentage of thyroid tests that were TFTs.

  • 60% of all thyroid tests that were performed for this GP’s patients (≥ 15 years) in 2018 were TFTs.
  • The median % of TFTs performed for GPs in the RA was 24%.
  • the 75th percentile in the GP’s RA is 34% and 25th percentile is 15%.

A note is provided at the bottom: Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test


Figure 3: Did your patients receive multiple TSH tests in 2018?

For this GP, this chart shows how many patients (aged ≥ 15 years) who received a TSH test in 2018 had:

  • just one TSH test
  • 2 TSH tests
  • 3 or more TSH tests.

In 2018, this GP had:

  • 111 (72%) patients who had only 1 TSH test.
  • 35 (23%) patients who had 2 TSH tests.
  • 8 (5%) patients who had ≥ 3 tests.

A note is provided at the bottom: Due to rounding, percentages may not total 100%. n = number of TSH tests (TSH tests requested as part of TFTs are not included in this chart.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test


Figure 4: How many of your patients had neck ultrasounds in 2018?

For this GP, this table shows how many patients (aged ≥ 15 years) had both a thyroid test and a neck ultrasound in 2018. This is expressed as both a number and a percentage.

For this GP:

  • 22 patients who had a thyroid test also received a neck ultrasound in 2018.
  • 9% of patients who had a thyroid test also received a neck ultrasound in 2018.

A note is provided at the bottom: The indication for neck ultrasound cannot be determined from MBS data, however thyroid examination appears to be the main reason for requesting neck ultrasound.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test


Figure 5: Age profile of your patients

This graph shows the age profile of this GP's patients represented by a black line, as well as a shaded area between the 25th and 75th percentiles for the RA. Patient age groups are displayed on the x-axis and are stratified into: 0–14, 15–29, 30–44, 45–59, 60–74, 75–89 and 90+ years. Number of patients is shown on the y-axis. The range shown is 0–800, increasing in 200 increments.

During the time period 1 January 2018 to 31 December 2018, this GP had:

  • 321 patients aged 0–14 years. The 25th percentile for this age group in the RA is 119 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 499 patients.
  • 287 patients aged 15–29 years. The 25th percentile in the RA is 125 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 491 patients.
  • 363 patients aged 30–44 years. The 25th percentile in the RA is 160 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 568 patients.
  • 349 patients aged 45–59 years. The 25th percentile in the RA is 174 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 455 patients.
  • 211 patients aged 60–74 years. The 25th percentile in the RA is 130 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 338 patients.
  • 108 patients aged 75–89 years. The 25th percentile in the RA is 43 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 153 patients.
  • 7 patients aged 90+. The 25th percentile in the RA is 2 patients and the 75th percentile in the RA is 14 patients.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test


Figure 6: Your Medicare patients and concession card holders

This table shows the total number of unique patients that the GP saw between 1 April 2018 and 30 June 2018. The median for the RA is also provided. Data is shown for the number of patients:

  • who received a Medicare Category 1, 5 or 6 benefit and
  • who had a prescription written for them by this GP, who then had this prescription dispensed using a concession card (or safety net card).

Between 1 April 2018 and 30 June 2018, this GP had:

  • 700 patients who received a Medicare benefit category 1, 5 or 6.
  • 158 patients who had a prescription written by this GP that was dispensed using a concession or safety net card.

Between 1 April 2018 and 30 June 2018 in this RA:

  • the median number of patients who received a Medicare benefit category 1, 5 or 6 was 669.
  • the median number of patients who had a prescription dispensed using a concession or safety net card was 162.

Return to the Practice Review – Thyroid disorders: When and what to test