- 1 October 2021
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- 1 October 2021
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In this second special edition of the NPS MedicineWise podcast about upcoming scheduling changes to nicotine vaping products, medical adviser and GP Dr Jill Thistlethwaite talks with Adjunct Professor John Skerritt from the Health Products Regulation Group (HPRG), including the Therapeutic Goods Administration at the Australian Government Department of Health and Professor Nick Zwar, Executive Dean of the Health Sciences and Medicine Faculty at Bond University and Chair of The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Expert Advisory Group on smoking cessation clinical practice guidelines.
They provide a brief recap on the new prescribing process for nicotine vaping products that is coming into effect from 1 October 2021 and what GPs need to know about these changes. They also discuss the new standard for prescribing nicotine vaping products and the upcoming RACGP smoking cessation guideline update.
This podcast was developed with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health.
Further reading
NPS MedicineWise podcast Episode 28: Nicotine scheduling changes – Special episode #1: https://www.nps.org.au/podcast/episode-28-nicotine-scheduling-changes-special-episode-1
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes hub (for health professionals):
TGA: Standard for unregistered nicotine vaping products:
TGA: Nicotine vaping products and vaping devices – Draft guidance for Therapeutic Goods Order 110 (TGO 110) and related matters:
TGA: Nicotine e-cigarettes laws are changing (blog for consumers):
NPS MedicineWise news article, access pathways flowchart and links to further information:
RACGP Guidelines: Supporting smoking cessation: